You might have heard the news that the US uses Drones to attach the Taliban in the mountainous areas between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The following video and article describes the use of Drones for personal use such as spying on your child :)
Brangelina beware. The paparazzi of Splash News are coming for you and you'll never see them coming.
Gary Morgan, chief executive of the celebrity-photo agency, said he'd like to be buzzing his quarry soon with silent, miniature drones mounted with tiny cameras. No more harassment from helicopters hovering in the Hollywood Hills.
"It would strike fear in the hearts of every celebrity having a birthday party," Mr. Morgan said. "Call it C3paparazzo," after the robot in Star Wars.
"If the Israelis can use them to find terrorists, certainly a husband is going to be able to track a wife who goes out at 11 o'clock at night and follow her," said New York divorce lawyer Raoul Felder.
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